Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day Seventeen

I believe there's a multimedia contest running at the moment creating your own jewellery. lol I could make some a jellybean necklace, bracelet and earrings!

Maybe not - tooooo sticky!!


kimbomac said...

Your originality and ingenuity never cease to amaze me. I hope that ercolano is suitably satisfied that there are a myriad of interesting ways to shoot jellybeans! This is just wonderful, and whilt I don't think the original will catch on, maybe imitation jellybean beads will. After all, imitation diamonds are a really big business! Very nice work.


Like Kimbo, I am increasingly amazed by the creativity you continue to display with your jellybeans!! There used to be candy bracelets in the US, on stretchy string, but it was hard candy they used. This is cute..looks like something kids at camp would make to take home to mom!

Erik Hultgren said...

The two others did awesome comments so I just sit here and be lazy and agree with them. (damn it's creative)

Ziaphra said...

Absolutely brilliant!

Anmatta said...

I agree with MasterGnu! :p
Great photo!

Julia said...

Beautiful jewelry making skillz! When I was a kid, we had candy bracelets and necklaces made out of hard candy strung on a thread of elastic. Haven't seen those in a while. This is prettier than those!

YMS said...

I can't believe your continuing ingenuity! Well I can! Because there's wonderful photographic evidence of it every day... :)

Rhiannonsmommy said...

Ahahhaa this is very very creative. Extra points for creativity.

Whalelight said...

I'm always excited to see what you'd come up next. Great concept with the bracelet, and the beads match the shade of jelly bean blue perfectly!